In our store, we offer unique, effective, and proven products and technologies created based on ancient and new knowledge of the laws of nature and in harmony with nature.

Nature has provided a solution from the depths of the ocean, from vortex plankton blooms 100 feet below the sea’s surface where unique biological activity known as BIOCENOSIS occurs- a complex interaction among minerals and trace elements, organic nutrients, microbes, RNA, DNA, phytoplankton and zooplankton. The seawater from this location exhibits biochemical and energetic properties that are passed on to the consumer. René Quinton, the famous biologist, and physiologist, pioneered a way to deliver this ideal “ocean” to bring about balance and regulation to the body’s internal ocean (the internal terrain, the extracellular matrix bathing our cells). He packaged his special seawater in double-tipped glass ampoules to effectively preserve its unique healing properties and the vibrant energy of the ocean. These qualities have been substantiated by thousands of pages of scientific research conducted over the span of 120+ years.
QUINTON ISOTONIC 0.9%- Identical to the osmotic concentration of human plasma. Best choice for restoring the health of the extracellular matrix, or BIOTERRAIN, within the body. Supports a healthy stress response, regular sleep cycles, and a proper parasympathetic/sympathetic balance within the nervous system. Taken by mouth 1-3x daily on an EMPTY STOMACH.
QUINTON HYPERTONIC 3.3%-concentration Sea plasma contains a higher concentration of 78 minerals than Isotonic but in the same life-sustaining ratios. Ideal for maintenance in healthy individuals, added to water for daily mineralization needs, and for athletes prior to, during, and after activity. Immediately invigorates, supporting energy levels, and is used prior to an anticipated drain of energy whether it be physical, intellectual, or emotional. Can be taken by mouth 1-3x daily.
Hydrogen is an element that has been with us from the dawn of time, helping with inflammation, energy, recovery, and metabolism all at once. Hydrogen gas, also known as molecular hydrogen (H2), is produced in our OWN body by bacteria. The impact of H2 cannot be underestimated. Molecular hydrogen can rapidly diffuse into cells, mitochondria, and fluids throughout the body to deliver its energy-boosting, antioxidant benefits. With its small size and ability to diffuse into the hardest-to-reach places, H2 has the ability to protect our mitochondria and brain (as it crosses the blood-brain barrier) and support cardiometabolic health while managing inflammation and neutralizing the most cytotoxic free radicals. There are over 2000+ scientific studies, including over 100 clinical studies, suggesting that H₂ has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models and in essentially every organ of the human body.

The easiest, most convenient, and most affordable way to boost your body with higher concentrations of hydrogen gas is with Active H2 or Active H2 Ultra tablets- easy-to-use tablets that create high-potency hydrogen-rich water. These complex tablets are incredibly unique. When dropped into liquid, the ingredients undergo a reaction and immediately infuse your beverage with diatomic HYDROGEN (H2), which is a tasteless, odorless gas. This product slows aging degradation and supports cardiovascular health, immune system, metabolic health, athletic performance, and recovery. H₂ has the unique ability to regulate imbalances in these areas.
ACTIVE H2 ULTRA Active H₂ ULTRA tablets produce hydrogen gas instead of carbon dioxide gas and simultaneously provide a source of ionic magnesium to combat the most common mineral deficiency in the Western world. This product is IHSA ( International Hydrogen Standards Association ) Certified and has NDI New Dietary Ingredient Status – Gold Standard for Supplements.
Dissolve 1 tablet in 10 –12 ounces of non-carbonated, room-temperature water and drink immediately. Suggested on an empty stomach for best results.
ACTIVE H2 CHROMAX This product combines all of the power and benefits of Active H2’s open-cup hydrogen water technology plus the additional weight management benefits of Chromium, which supports glucose management, insulin sensitivity, healthy lipid profile, reduces carbohydrate cravings, improves mood, reduces fatigue, enhances brain function, memory, and athletic performance, helps maintain lean body composition, and boosts energy levels.