The Music of the Divine Spheres: The rediscovered ancient knowledge of human consciousness, sacred geometry, and the Egyptian pyramids that can change your life

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ISBN 978-1-80341-364-8

This book revives true knowledge lost to humanity millennia ago, including knowledge of the structure of our consciousness, its levels, and the laws governing transitions between them. As you delve into the study of these laws, which underpin the very foundations of the universe, you’ll delight in the elegance, harmony, and sheer perfection that they embody. Prepare to unravel the mysteries that have captivated humanity for ages. From the enigmatic marvels of the Egyptian pyramids to the cryptic allure of the nine Egyptian crystal spheres, and from ancient symbols like the Sprout of Life, the Flower of Life, to the mysterious Tree of Life, the book will be your guide. You will gain profound insights into humanity’s place within the hierarchy of consciousness levels. Moreover, this book will unveil the true values of misunderstood mathematical constants, such as pi and e. You will delve into the Laws of the Spheres and the Universal Law of the Harmony of Vibrations, which explains the perception of sound tones, colors, and proportions, as well as why their different combinations cause different feelings. Within these pages, you will discover a novel musical scale that resonates deeply with our consciousness and learn how to develop higher levels of consciousness. Explore the transformative potential of sound and light in the realm of human healing. Armed with this knowledge, you possess a potent tool to accelerate the evolution of your own and our collective consciousness and, in doing so, to craft a brighter and more enlightened world for all.

The Civilization of Lost Connection

ISBN 978-5-93454-256-7

This book is not about how to make money, but in it, you will find a way to find all the treasures lost by humanity. This is a scientifically unscientific, fantastically real story about another and, at the same time, our world. This book is also about how to create the perfect computer and understand, finally, what love is.

This book is currently unavailable in English.
