The Formula for Love

Due to the lack of knowledge about the world, people rarely call a spade a spade. The concept of love is no exception to this rule. Moreover, it is one of the most misunderstood concepts. The word “love” people now call a lot of things that have nothing to do with love. To somehow separate them, you have to use additional definitions, for example, using the expressions “other kind of love” and the like.

But in fact, love is always one. All other things are not love. Love is a deep feeling belonging to the heart chakra and above. Notice that individuals with blocked heart chakras confess their inability to experience love. All these “other kinds of love” remain situated below this level, typically confined to the realm of mere emotions, so they cannot be called love. For example, when one experiences an emotion with an expectation of receiving anything in return, it is not love but rather a desire for something.

Hence, in an attempt to avoid confusion with any “other kind of love,” the concept of “unconditional love” has gained popularity in recent times. However, even this concept is often misconstrued.  Some believe it to be an emotion experienced by all living entities, devoid of any conditions or judgment. They liken it to the love received from a child or a pet or the love received from and given to nature without the expectation of getting anything in return. Yet, the reality is that your dog, for instance, does not comprehend the concept of unconditional love. It loves you because it regards you as part of its family. However, if an intruder threatens your home, your dog will fiercely defend it. This occurs because, apart from love, your dog possesses a level of consciousness commensurate with its nature. To isolate love from consciousness is a big mistake. Love and consciousness cannot exist in isolation because, from a mathematical perspective, the formula for love is quite simple:

Love is the exception of negation.

This means that love entails complete acceptance of the object of your love without any negation or conditions. Consciousness always deals with conditions because the whole real world is full of conditions.

Therefore, unconditional love is love with consciousness turned off. Isolated from consciousness, love is both blind and weak. This concept entails acceptance of everything, including the good and the bad, much like an organism without immunity. Just as a body without immunity becomes vulnerable to parasites, microbes, and viruses, love without consciousness makes entire nations easy prey for social parasites.

This is why the notion of “unconditional love” has been propagated by religion and the New Age movement, which is a new type of religion.

When Western religion emerged in the 3rd century AD, it separated everything from everything. It separated science from religion, religion from spirituality, believers from non-believers, men from women, churchmen from the people, and love from consciousness.

Religion has diligently instilled in us the belief that love should be unconditional, akin to unconscious acceptance of all things. Yet, in reality, love must be conscious. You have to love only the one who deserves love, and you have to help only the one who deserves help. Unfortunately, even in ancient times, not all people correctly understood this law of nature. This resulted in the problems that we have today.

Read more about the ancient authentic knowledge and the true meaning of ancient words in the book The Civilization of the Lost Connection
